With the promotion of artificial intelligence and 5G, the development of drones in China has been on a fast track of rapid growth, and civilian drones have maintained a growth rate of over 50% for three consecutive years. Based on the continuous outbreak of downstream application market demand, it has brought great imagination to the industry’s development. This will create more strategic opportunities for drone enterprises. In order to help UAV Strategic foresight look forward to future long-term environmental changes, identify important issues that need attention in the future, review the industry competition pattern from a global perspective, and achieve sustainable high-quality development.
Currently, the country has introduced a series of policy plans to vigorously support the development of the drone industry, especially for civilian use, in order to further stimulate the huge market growth potential of consumer grade drones, expand the downstream application fields of industrial grade drones, assist in the transformation and upgrading of economic structure, and cultivate economic growth points for the drone industry. In order to further promote the growth of UAV Technological convergence industry and promote the in-depth development of the industry, as a professional exhibition in the field of UAV in China, with the help of the huge scale and influence of the platform of Consumer Electronics Show in Asia, it will become an important exhibition and communication platform for the UAV industry to look forward to and make a concerted effort.
More than 200 enterprises are expected to attend this conference; During the same period, multiple thematic forums were also set up around topics such as cutting-edge drone technology, urban air traffic, logistics emergency drones, drone system development, power systems, innovative drone detection and countermeasures technology, and drone core component manufacturing. We specially invite scholars, renowned experts in unmanned systems, and entrepreneurs who have gained high reputation in their respective fields to gather together to discuss the technological changes, innovative applications, industrial landing, and future development of unmanned aerial vehicles through theme reports, keynote speeches, or roundtable sharing.
The CEEAISA drone exhibition has strengthened the expo’s focus on innovative mobile internet technologies, drone applications, and intelligent devices. In the era of mobile Internet convergence, science and technology continue to develop. CEEASIA brings together industry leaders, industry elites, and well-known international and domestic enterprises. It gathers the latest scientific and technological trends, cutting-edge products, cooperation opportunities, and industry views of the industry. It has become a Weather vane for scientific and technological innovation and industrial development of the UAV industry, promoting international exchanges and cooperation in China’s scientific and technological information industry, and upgrading the level of China’s scientific and technological information industry.
CEEASIA2023 Global Investment Promotion has been launched, and we sincerely invite a large number of drone manufacturers and technology industries to register and participate in the exhibition. We will serve every exhibitor with care, and seek cooperation with the most professional platform, its unique perspective, excellent network, abundant resources, and high-quality solutions. Seeking win-win through cooperation is not only the law of nature’s inheritance, but also the theme of the times for the development and progress of human society.
CEEASIA2023 will stand at a new starting point, embark on a new journey, and explore new brilliance!