Incoming Quality Control


Without the best materials, any engineering will fail. That is why XJYPCB ensures that our materials quality is always top-notch. Our printed circuit boards never compromise with substandard quality materials.

Before purchasing materials for our boards, our quality testing team carefully checks everything being sent to us. Similarly, we are careful to adhere to all your specifications, on top of those set by the regulating bodies we subscribe to.

We stand by the quality of our material and integrity of our services adn products. We will not settle for less than excellence, and we are ready for your most rigorous requirements.

Outgoing Quality Control                                                                                


XJYPCB believes in making your products happen by providing you with quality service and the best possible product. We are proud to stand by our products; we are also proud to boast about our high ratio of repeat and loyal customers. When your customers stay with you, you know you’re doing things right.

Because we make no compromises on our incoming quality assurance, we refuse to compromise on our outgoing quality. Our professional team maintain constant vigilance over our processes; we know that our products are created with the best possible processes, and that everything we do conforms to the ISO bodies to which we subscribe.

We invite you to rely on our service. We value the faith and trust of our customers above everything, and do everything possible to ensure that your expectations are met or exceeded. We have a proven track record of quality that we intend to maintain.